‘US-Japan ties is essential pillar of Asia-Pacific security’
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said that the relationship between the United States and Japan is not only testament to America’s engagement in the region but is also an essential pillar of the Asia-Pacific security architecture. |
Urmatorii 40 de ani, cruciali pentru mediu
Oficialii guvernamentali ar trebui sa faca tot posibilul pentru a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera in cursul urmatorilor 40 de ani, pentru a evita inrautatirea iremediabila a conditiilor climatice pe termen lung, se arata intr-un studiu publicat luni si citat de AFP, informeaza Mediafax. |
Casa Alba spera intr-un acord post Copenhaga
In primul comunicat emis de catre administratia Obama in noul an, Carol Browner, consilierul prezidential pe tema mediului si schimbarilor climatice, adminte faptul ca summit-ul de la Copenhaga nu s-a ridicat la nivelul asteptarilor. Cei care au fost prezenti la summit au sperat ca acesta se va finaliza cu un acord viabil, sau macar cu o intelegere operationala, insa nu au obtinut nimic, informeaza The Guardian. |
UN, Denmark get active on Copenhagen deal
NEW DELHI: With the January 31 deadline drawing close, the United Nations and Denmark have stepped up the effort to get all countries to sign the Copenhagen Accord. UN Secretary-General ban ki-Moon and Danish prime minister Lars Locke Rasmussen have written to heads of state and government asking them to submit their emission reduction commitments and to take steps to get all countries to get on board. |
China Says Achieved Goal In Copenhagen Climate Deal
BEIJING - Chinese negotiators achieved their goal at Copenhagen climate talks in ensuring financial aid for developing nations was not linked to external reviews of China's environmental plans, its top climate envoy said on Saturday. |
BASIC to meet in Delhi, discuss targets under 'Hagen accord'
NEW DELHI: Even as India maintains that it is ready to meet the January 31 deadline to specify steps it would take to reduce emissions, a final decision likely only after the BASIC countries meets in the third week of January. Minister of state for environment Jairam Ramesh has made it clear that there would be no new announcements beyond the voluntary commitment of reducing emission intensity by 20 to 25% from 2005. |
Singapore ramane la tinta pentru emisii fixata inainte de COP15
Autoritatile din Singapore au anuntat ca intentioneaza sa mentina tinta de reducere a emisiilor de CO2 cu 7-11% pana in 2020, chiar daca inainte de summitul climatic de la Copenhaga si-au aratat disponibilitatea de a creste procentul pana la 16%, transmite Reuters. |
San Francisco vrea sa-si injumatateasca emisiile
Autoritatile din San Francisco vor sa injumatateasca emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera prin inasprirea reglementarilor de mediu care vor fi votate in aprilie, informeaza Treehugger. |
McDonald's studiaza reducerea emisiilor de la vaci
Lantul de restaurante fast-food McDonald’s va investi mii de lire sterline intr-un studiu de trei ani privind emisiile de metan care provind de la 350 de ferme din Marea Britanie de unde compania se aprovizioneaza pentru producerea burgerilor. Anuntul a fost facut in urma apelului autoritatilor catre industria alimentara de analizare a modalitatilor de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, informeaza The Guardian. |
President Obama Spearheads a Climate Agreement in Copenhagen
President Obama visited Copenhagen, Denmark, on December 18, 2009, and met with the heads of state from Brazil, China, India, and South Africa to reach a climate agreement called the "Copenhagen Accord." The agreement emerged as the primary achievement of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. The non-binding agreement calls for deep cuts in global emissions of greenhouse gases so as to hold the increase in global temperature below 2°C, and it calls for industrialized countries to determine their economy-wide emissions targets for 2020 and submit them to the United Nations by the end of January. A number of developing countries, including the major emerging economies, also agreed to list their voluntary pledges to reduce emissions by the end of January and agreed to communicate their efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions every two years. |
China defends Wen Jiabao's role in Copenhagen talks
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday defended the role played by premier Wen Jiabao at climate change talks in Copenhagen this month after a barrage of international criticism blaming China for obstructing negotiations. |
Copenhagen blame game not helpful: UN climate chief
LONDON — Countries should stop blaming each other for the weak outcome of the Copenhagen climate talks and sit down together to move the process forward, the UN's top climate change official said on Wednesday. |
COP15 a scazut valoarea certificatelor de carbon
Contractele pentru certificatele de dioxid de carbon au inchis, luni, la cel mai redus nivel din ultimele sase luni, investitorii fiind dezamagiti de acordul incheiat la Copenhaga pentru combaterea incalzirii globale, transmite Reuters, citat de Mediafax. |