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07.07.2010 China gazduieste o noua runda de negocieri climatice
China va gazdui o runda suplimentara de negocieri climatice in octombrie, menita sa duca la un proiect de acord climatic inainte de conferinta ONU din decembrie, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 175
07.07.2010 UN's climate report 'one-sided'
THE IPCC's report on climate change failed to make clear it often presented a worst-case scenario on global warming, an investigation has found.
Accesări: 258
07.07.2010 Report calls for new climate change approach
With global efforts to combat climate change sagging after the Copenhagen conference, Australian experts have called for a completely different approach.
Accesări: 278
06.07.2010 Саммит «Группы двадцати» в Торонто: «восстановление и новое начало»
В Торонто (Канада) 26–27 июня 2010 г. прошла четвертая встреча глав государств и правительств «Группы 20». Девиз встречи – «Восстановление и новое начало». Основная цель саммита – разработать меры, обеспечивающие устойчивый рост мировой экономики.
Accesări: 141
06.07.2010 Temperaturile vor creşte cu 4 grade, în ciuda măsurilor asumate de ONU
Statele lumii au decis la summitul de la Copenhaga să limiteze creşterea temperaturilor la 1,5-2 grade Celsius.
Accesări: 110
06.07.2010 Korea, Mexico discuss ways to upgrade ties
The foreign ministers of South Korea and Mexico on Tuesday met to discuss follow-up measures for cementing stronger ties following a recent summit between the countries.
Accesări: 269
06.07.2010 CDM Panel Calls for Investigation Over Carbon Market Scandal
Certified Emissions Reduction Units (CERs) for the destruction of HFC-23 represent over 1/2 of the CDM credits issued to date. The CDM’s HFC-23 projects pay 65-75 times more for HFC-23 destruction than the manufacturers pay. A revision request submitted by CDM Watch to the CDM Executive Board provides overwhelming evidence that manufacturers are gaming the CDM system and undermining carbon markets by producing potent greenhouse gases (GHGs) just so they can get paid to destroy them. The revision request called for an immediate overhaul in the rules governing the number of credits being issued and removal of the perverse financial incentives that currently exist.
Accesări: 220
29.06.2010 2,4 miliarde de euro, ajutor climatic UE pentru tarile sarace
UE va acorda, in cadrul initiativei Fast Start Financing de dirijare a unor fonduri catre actiunile de combatere a schimbarilor climatice in tarile in curs de dezvoltare, 2,4 miliarde de euro anual in intervalul 2010-2012, potrivit Raportului Anual al Comisiei Europene (CE) pe 2010.
Accesări: 226
28.06.2010 G20: Ban urges green investments
In a continued push to keep the poorest and most vulnerable at the forefront of international discussions, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday urged leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) to scale up investment in clean energy and green economy as part of the effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Accesări: 398
27.06.2010 Obama, Yudhoyono boost climate change, education programs
US President Barack Obama and Indonesian leader Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed in talks Sunday to initiate programs to fight climate change and boost education.
Accesări: 332
27.06.2010 G8 leaders committed to emissions cut, low carbon, biological diversity
Leaders of the eight industrialized nations reiterated their willingness to share with all countries the goal of achieving at least a 50 percent reduction of global emissions by 2050.
Accesări: 362
26.06.2010 Temperaturi record în Rusia şi Anglia
Valul de căldură afectează Moscova de la începutul săptămânii. Specialiştii au avertizat că temperaturile vor continua să crească şi în zilele următoare, spre disperarea locuitorilor. Cald va fi în acest weekend şi în Marea Britanie. Conform prognozei, mâine va fi cea mai ferbinte zi a anului, cu temperaturi de 30 de grade Celsius.
Accesări: 230
23.06.2010 Climate change: The media must inform and educate
People all over the world continue to see climate change as a threat. The majority expect the media to not only inform the public about climate change, but also educate them about its consequences.
Accesări: 436
22.06.2010 President Convenes Senators for Final Chance at Climate Bill This Year
President Obama will attempt to seize control of the Senate's splintered climate debate tomorrow with a goal to achieve some greenhouse gas emission restrictions before midterm elections.
Accesări: 370
22.06.2010 Climate change sceptic scientists 'less prominent and authoritative'
Scientists who believe in man-made climate change are more esteemed than those who actively oppose the concept, according to a study.
Accesări: 337
22.06.2010 Studiu: Scepticii incalzirii globale, priviti cu neincredere de populatie
Oamenii de stiinta care cred in teoria potrivit careia incalzirea globala este un fenoment provocat de om sunt mai bine priviti de catre societate decat scepticii, carora opinia publica nu le acorda prea mare incredere, arata un studiu citat de The Telegraph.
Accesări: 234
21.06.2010 Japan, France commit US$134 million for fighting climate change in Vietnam
On June 18, the Ministry of Finance, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the French Development Agency (AFD) Vietnam signed agreements for the “Support Programme to Respond to Climate Change” in Hanoi. Under the agreements, Japan contributes 10 billion Japanese Yen (US$110 million) and France contributes 20 million euros ($24 million).
Accesări: 463
21.06.2010 EIB, European Commission to explore EU climate finance initiative
European Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard and European Investment Bank (EIB) President Philippe Maystadt agreed on Monday to explore a joint climate finance initiative for developing countries as part of the European Union commitment made at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen last December. During talks at EIB headquarters in Luxembourg, they also welcomed a political agreement reached in mobilising finance for carbon capture and storage (CCS) and innovative renewable energy technologies in the EU through the NER 300 initiative.
Accesări: 367
21.06.2010 Japan, France commit US$134 million for fighting climate change in Vietnam
VietNamNet Bridge – As 22 million people in Vietnam may lose their home because of climate change, Japan and France have formed a foundation to help Vietnam prevent this danger.
Accesări: 393
21.06.2010 Environmental politics today is about foreign policy and international security
Environmental politics today is about foreign policy and international security, Mr Werner Hoyer, Minister of State from the German Federal Foreign Office, said at the opening of the 2010 Global Media Forum under the theme: "The Heat is On - Climate Change and the Media" currently taking place in Bonn, Germany from June 21-23.
Accesări: 369
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