OCEANUL PLANETAR ar putea creşte brusc, avertizează cercetătorii
Banchiza din Antarctica se topeşte sub acţiunea apei calde de dedesubtul său, conform unui nou studiu care susţine că ar putea să se înregistreze o creştere mai bruscă a nivelului oceanului planetar decât cea prevăzută de oamenii de ştiinţă, transmite Associated Press. |
Southern Africa: Region Most Affected By Climate Change
Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity and the grand irony is that humans might be the architects of their own downfall, said Derek Hanekom, South Africa's Deputy Minister of Science and Technology at the signing of a declaration that will establish a regional science centre to support cross-border research into climate change. |
Countries Losing Steam On Climate Change Initiatives
Energy ministers from around the world met in London this week and got a scolding. The International Energy Agency warned the ministers that they are falling way behind in their efforts to wean the world from dirty sources of energy. Nations are nowhere near being on track to avert significant climate change in the coming decades. |
Korodi anunta controale de amploare de 1 Mai
Peste 1000 de angajati ai autoritatilor de mediu vor fi pe teren in perioada 28 aprilie - 1 mai pentru a preveni impactul negativ asupra mediului ca urmare a activitatilor de picnic, traditionale in aceasta perioada, a anuntat, miercuri, ministrul Mediului si Padurilor, Attila Korodi. |
Astazi sarbatorim Ziua Pamantului
In fiecare an, pe 22 aprilie, peste 500 milioane de oameni din mai mult de 175 de tari sarbatoresc Ziua Pamantului, cel mai important eveniment de mediu care simbolizeaza lupta impotriva poluarii si problemelor climaterice. |
ZIUA PĂMÂNTULUI 2012, sărbătorită cu plantări de mesteceni
ZIUA PĂMÂNTULUI 2012 va fi sărbătorită nu doar de GOOGLE. Duminică, angajaţii Administraţiei Lacuri, Parcuri şi Agrement Bucureşti (ALPAB) vor celebra Ziua Pământului prin plantarea a 40 de mesteceni în zona Ghencea, anunţă reprezentanţii instituţiei. |
Business Roundtable Urges EPA to Stop Greenhouse Gas Rules
The Business Roundtable, a group of chief executives officers from companies such as General Electric Co. (GE) and Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), urged the Obama administration to abandon efforts to regulate greenhouse gases from industrial polluters. |
Korea and IMO join forces against CO2
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and South Korea have announced an aid programme for the east Asian region targeting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction in shipping. The move is the latest sign of the growing push by Asian economies to embrace the opportunities of the green economy, not just in shipping and ports but across the industrial spectrum. |
AFB to host regional climate change workshop
LATIN America and the Caribbean's ability to adapt to the devastating impacts of climate change is expected to improve with the hosting of a major capacity-building workshop in the region this year. |
Manuel appointed to UN Green Climate Fund Committee
South Africa’s National Planning Commission Minister Trevor Manuel has been appointed to the transitional committee responsible for the design of the Green Climate Fund, which would be established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as agreed at the 16th Conference of the Parties in Cancun in 2010. |
Japan greenhouse gas emissions hit record low in 2009/10
Japan's greenhouse gas emissions hit a record low in the year to March 2010, data showed on Tuesday, but emissions may rise this fiscal year despite an expected economic slowdown if the country turns to fossil fuels to make up for lost nuclear power in the wake of last month's devastating earthquake and tsunami. |
UN targets black carbon emissions
MANILA, Philippines – United Nations member-countries are considering strategies to reduce black carbon emissions, one of the air pollutants identified by scientists as an important link to climate change because of its role in contributing to global warming. |
Trade shifts help rich meet climate goals: study
OSLO (Reuters) - The shift in manufacturing to emerging nations is doing more to curb rich countries' greenhouse gas emissions than measures they are taking to meet the U.N. pact to fight climate change, a study showed. |