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27.05.2010 Int'l conference to save forests opens in Oslo
OSLO, Norway -- Last December, an international conference on climate change approved global plans prevent deforestation. But those plans have not been implemented, and now a smaller meeting of nations in Oslo will try Thursday to find ways to start to put them in place - even if on a smaller scale.
Accesări: 337
26.05.2010 Germany to help fund UN program to protect forests
OSLO, Norway – Germany will pledge $500 million to fight deforestation, blamed for releasing some of the carbon dioxide contributing to global warming, Norway's prime minister said Wednesday on the eve of a conference in Oslo.
Accesări: 371
26.05.2010 Populaţia de urşi polari va scădea brusc, din cauza încălzirii globale
Populaţia de urşi polari este deja în declin, iar numărul lor va scădea brusc din cauza încălzirii globale.
Accesări: 179
26.05.2010 EU to unveil most ambitious emissions cuts yet
Plans to be unveiled today will propose a massive increase in the target for cutting greenhouse gas emissions over the next ten years, according to a draft document seen by The Times.
Accesări: 367
26.05.2010 De Boer confirms plan to integrate Copenhagen Accord in UN climate text
Outgoing UN climate change chief Yvo de Boer yesterday confirmed that the extent to which parts of the Copenhagen Accord should be included in the formal UN negotiating process would form a central part of the agenda at the climate talks in Bonn next month.
Accesări: 349
25.05.2010 UN reminds rich countries of climate promises
As another difficult round of climate talks approached, the United Nations urged rich countries Tuesday to live up to their promises of help for poor nations in the fight against global warming.
Accesări: 343
25.05.2010 Emisiile globale vor creste cu 43% pana in 2035
Emisiile globale de dioxid de carbon vor creste cu 43% pana in 2035 impiedicand intelegerile globale de reducere a volumului de gaze cu efect de sera care incalzesc planeta, a estimat Administratia Americana pentru Informatii Energetice (EIA).
Accesări: 199
25.05.2010 Indonesia to join REDD partnership in Oslo meeting
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is slated to leave for Oslo Tuesday to attend the Oslo Climate and Forest Conference to forge new partnerships in climate change and forestry affairs.
Accesări: 393
25.05.2010 EU Carbon Prices Gain, Tracking Energy Prices
European carbon emissions futures gained over 2.5 percent on Monday, tracking energy prices, with a national holiday in much of continental Europe meaning many market participants were absent, traders said.
Accesări: 464
25.05.2010 Climate Spending Rises at Biggest Companies, Ernst & Young Says
(Bloomberg) -- Seven in 10 of the world’s biggest companies plan to increase their spending on programs to fight climate change, the accounting firm Ernst & Young said.
Accesări: 378
25.05.2010 Connie Hedegaard, invinuita in cazul fraudei cu carbon
Comisarul desemnat pentru Schimbari Climatice Connie Hedegaard se confrunta cu presiuni tot mai mari pentru a explica esecul sau in identificarea erorilor legislative care au permis fraude imense prin schema de comert cu certificate de carbon, scrie The Guardian.
Accesări: 199
24.05.2010 US top scientists urge coal, oil use penalties
WASHINGTON — Ditching its past cautious tone, the nation's top scientists urged the government Wednesday to take drastic action to raise the cost of using coal and oil to slow global warming.
Accesări: 350
24.05.2010 Rachmat named special climate envoy
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has named former environment minister Rachmat Witoelar special envoy for climate change to bolster Indonesia's position at international environmental forums, says a decree dated May 10.
Accesări: 312
24.05.2010 Europe's climate chief under pressure over 'missing' emissions traders
The EU's climate chief is facing pressure to explain her failure to crack down on a loophole that allowed alleged fraudsters – a large number of them based in Britain – to make millions of euros through Europe's emissions trading scheme.
Accesări: 386
24.05.2010 Сенаторы США представили законопроект по климату, предусматривающий «углеродные тарифы»
Сенаторы США Джон Керри (John Kerry) и Джо Либерман (Joe Lieberman) представили новый проект закона о климате. Это случилось через 10 месяцев после принятия Палатой представителей собственного закона о сокращении выбросов парниковых газов в США.
Accesări: 186
23.05.2010 2010 ar putea fi cel mai cald an din istorie, avertizează NASA
Media temperaturilor globale în ultimele 12 luni a fost cea mai mare din ultimii 130 de ani.
Accesări: 141
21.05.2010 Romania poate reduce emisiile cu 20% pana in 2020, dar nu cu 30%
Romania poate atinge, cu efort, tinta de reducere cu 20% a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, dar nu se poate angaja la o reducere de 30% pana in 2020, asa cum intentioneaza sa propuna Comisia Europeana in cadrul Strategiei "Europa 2020", au declarat, vineri, reprezentanti ai Ministerului Mediului, citati de Mediafax.
Accesări: 185
21.05.2010 Govt rejigs climate talks team
NEW DELHI: The hold-outs against the Jairam Ramesh line on climate change have been dropped from the team of climate negotiators decided for the UN negotiations slated to start in Bonn on June 1.
Accesări: 285
21.05.2010 Rachmat named special climate envoy
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has named former environment minister Rachmat Witoelar special envoy for climate change to bolster Indonesia's position at international environmental forums, says a decree dated May 10.
Accesări: 366
21.05.2010 CE mentine obiectivul reducerii poluarii cu 30% pana in 2020
Comisia Europeana isi mentine obiectivul reducerii emisiilor cu efect de sera cu 30% pana in 2020, comparativ cu anul 1990, in pofida opozitiei din industrie, potrivit unui document confidential al Executivului UE, obtinut de AFP.
Accesări: 177
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