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03.05.2012 South Korea approves emissions trading scheme
South Korea's parliament has approved a long-delayed bill to start trading carbon dioxide emissions in 2015, joining the vanguard of countries battling climate change.
Accesări: 284
03.05.2012 Padurile, mutate in curtea Agriculturii
Potrivit declaratiei facute de primul ministru desemnat al Romaniei, Victor Ponta, padurile trec in subordinea Ministerului Agriculturii.
Accesări: 148
02.05.2012 Uncertainty still clouds future of EU biodiesel
(Reuters) - Senior European Union officials failed on Wednesday to agree on how to measure the full climate impact of bio fuels, prolonging uncertainty in a debate that threatens to wipe out large parts of Europe's biodiesel industry.
Accesări: 285
02.05.2012 China must act urgently to curb city emissions: World Bank
(Reuters) - China must act urgently on multiple fronts if it is to cut greenhouse gas emissions from its rapidly expanding cities and hit government targets for curbing carbon intensity, a new report from the World Bank said on Thursday.
Accesări: 263
02.05.2012 EU firms use 254.6 mln UN offsets to meet 2011 caps
Installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme surrendered 254.6 million U.N.-backed offsets for compliance in 2011, nearly double the amount handed in last year, data released by the European Commission showed on Wednesday. The figures included 178.8 million Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) and 75.8 million Emissions Reduction Units (ERUs), carbon credits issued under the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 205
30.04.2012 Peste 30 de hectare de vegetaţie uscată, făcute scrum din cauza unui grătar
Incendiu puternic de pădure din cauza unui grătar la Vatra Dornei. Peste 400 de pompieri şi jandarmi s-au luptat cu focul ce a mistuit mai mult de 30 de hectare de vegetaţie uscată.
Accesări: 253
28.04.2012 EPA faces crucial climate decision on diesel made from palm oil
Quick quiz: Which country is the world’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, after the United States and China?
Accesări: 539
27.04.2012 OCEANUL PLANETAR ar putea creşte brusc, avertizează cercetătorii
Banchiza din Antarctica se topeşte sub acţiunea apei calde de dedesubtul său, conform unui nou studiu care susţine că ar putea să se înregistreze o creştere mai bruscă a nivelului oceanului planetar decât cea prevăzută de oamenii de ştiinţă, transmite Associated Press.
Accesări: 296
27.04.2012 Southern Africa: Region Most Affected By Climate Change
Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity and the grand irony is that humans might be the architects of their own downfall, said Derek Hanekom, South Africa's Deputy Minister of Science and Technology at the signing of a declaration that will establish a regional science centre to support cross-border research into climate change.
Accesări: 407
26.04.2012 Gambia: Climate Change Conference Ends in Addis
The forth carbon forum on climate change mitigation was recently concluded at the United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Accesări: 376
26.04.2012 Countries Losing Steam On Climate Change Initiatives
Energy ministers from around the world met in London this week and got a scolding. The International Energy Agency warned the ministers that they are falling way behind in their efforts to wean the world from dirty sources of energy. Nations are nowhere near being on track to avert significant climate change in the coming decades.
Accesări: 450
25.04.2012 Korodi anunta controale de amploare de 1 Mai
Peste 1000 de angajati ai autoritatilor de mediu vor fi pe teren in perioada 28 aprilie - 1 mai pentru a preveni impactul negativ asupra mediului ca urmare a activitatilor de picnic, traditionale in aceasta perioada, a anuntat, miercuri, ministrul Mediului si Padurilor, Attila Korodi.
Accesări: 272
22.04.2012 Astazi sarbatorim Ziua Pamantului
In fiecare an, pe 22 aprilie, peste 500 milioane de oameni din mai mult de 175 de tari sarbatoresc Ziua Pamantului, cel mai important eveniment de mediu care simbolizeaza lupta impotriva poluarii si problemelor climaterice.
Accesări: 304
22.04.2012 ZIUA PĂMÂNTULUI 2012, sărbătorită cu plantări de mesteceni
ZIUA PĂMÂNTULUI 2012 va fi sărbătorită nu doar de GOOGLE. Duminică, angajaţii Administraţiei Lacuri, Parcuri şi Agrement Bucureşti (ALPAB) vor celebra Ziua Pământului prin plantarea a 40 de mesteceni în zona Ghencea, anunţă reprezentanţii instituţiei.
Accesări: 312
22.03.2012 Comunicat de presa: De Ziua Mondiala a Apei, un semnal de alarma cu privire la poluarea marilor orase
Atentie la: substantele chimice folosite tot mai mult in agricultura si industrie, la lipsa statiilro de epurare a apei, la lucrarile de modificare a cursului raurilor de munca - iata cateva semnale de alarma trase de un grup de ONG, de Ziua Mondiala a Apei, pe 22 martie.
Accesări: 325
16.03.2012 Climate change to increase respiratory diseases
Worldwide increases in the incidences of asthma, allergies, infectious and cardiovascular diseases will result from a variety of impacts of global climate change, including rising temperatures, worsening ozone levels in urban areas, the spread of desertification, and expansions of the ranges of communicable diseases as the planet heats up, the professional organization representing respiratory and airway physicians stated in a new position paper released today.
Accesări: 346
15.03.2012 Golbal funding vital to take on climate change: Survey
New Delhi: Global funding is vital for countries like India to address concerns related to climate change as mitigation efforts ultimately involve costs, says the Economic Survey 2011-12, which for the first time has made a pointed reference to the challenge posed by climate change.
Accesări: 328
14.03.2012 World entering a 'third era' in efforts to deal with climate change - expert
After 20 years dominated by inaction on climate change, the world is entering a “third era” when the impacts of climate change are unavoidable, says a London climate expert.
Accesări: 307
14.03.2012 E.ON says will do measured CO2 buying from 2013
(Reuters) - Germany's E.ON (EONGn.DE), a big carbon dioxide polluter, on Wednesday said its strategy for the next phase of the European Union emissions trading regime beginning in 2013 was to buy bit by bit.
Accesări: 363
05.03.2012 UN Says 2011 Disasters Were Costliest Ever
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The economic cost of disasters in 2011 was the highest in history — with a pricetag of at least $380 billion, mainly due to earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, a U.N. envoy said Monday.
Accesări: 331
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