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09.12.2011 Sesiunea Plenară a Conferinţei ONU privind Schimbările Climatice
În perioada 6-9 decembrie 2011 Ministrul Mediului, dl Gheorghe Şalaru, participă la lucrările segmentului înalt a celei de-a 17 Conferinţe a Părţilor Convenţiei-cadru a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite cu privire la schimbarea climei, care are loc în oraşul Durban, Africa de Sud. Obiectivul acestei Conferinţe constă în elaborarea şi aprobarea unui document cu statut juridic Internaţional obligatoriu care să înlocuiască Protocolul de la Kyoto, al cărui perioadă de implementare expiră la 1 ianuarie 2012.
Accesări: 125
09.12.2011 US signals support for EU's climate roadmap
DURBAN, South Africa - Head of the US delegation to the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework of Climate Change Conventions (UNFCCC) indicated on Thursday that Washington supports the European Union's roadmap unveiled at the meeting.
Accesări: 161
09.12.2011 Support grows for Durban climate deal
DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - Support grew on Thursday for an EU plan to agree a global climate change pact with binding targets by 2015, after poor nations vulnerable to climate change forged alliances with developed countries.
Accesări: 189
08.12.2011 UN Climate Conference close to deal on Green Fund
DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - Negotiators are close to agreeing the shape of a Green Climate Fund, which is designed to help poor nations tackle global warming and nudge them towards a new global effort to fight climate change.
Accesări: 185
08.12.2011 Kyoto pact likely to be extended
Extension of the Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of 2012, is becoming more likely in spite of strong opposition from Japan, according to participants at the ministerial-level meeting of a UN climate conference in Durban.
Accesări: 182
08.12.2011 Climate talks 'lacking urgency'
Lack of urgency in the Durban meeting halls and pressing issues elsewhere threaten to block progress as the UN climate summit enters its final days.
Accesări: 184
08.12.2011 Big emerging nations call for Kyoto extension
As the world's heads of state arrive in Durban, South Africa, to begin the high-level segment of the United Nations climate negotiations, the largest emerging economies said they were united in wanting a legal agreement on the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 140
08.12.2011 Urşii polari, împinşi spre canibalism de încălzirea globală
Fotojurnalista Jenny Ross a surprins momentul în care un urs polar a atacat de foame un pui din propria sa specie.
Accesări: 139
07.12.2011 You must lead world from abyss, urges Ban
The world is nearing a point of no return and only decision makers at the climate change conference in Durban "can bring us from the edge", United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said.
Accesări: 155
07.12.2011 UN chief fears climate accord is ‘beyond reach’
Ban Ki-moon, secretary- general of the UN, has warned that “grave economic troubles” and political divisions meant a new global climate treaty may be “beyond our reach”, darkening the mood at international climate talks in South Africa.
Accesări: 173
07.12.2011 "Big Three" polluters oppose binding climate deal
DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - The world's three biggest polluters China, the United States and India refused to move towards a new legal commitment to curb their carbon emissions on Tuesday, increasing the risk that climate talks will fail to clinch a meaningful deal this week.
Accesări: 153
07.12.2011 “Act while you still can” - Zuma
President Jacob Zuma and several world leaders delivered stirring speeches in Durban on Tuesday evening on the need to act quickly to “save the world” from climate change – despite clear signals that political negotiators will once again delay the solutions recommended by most climate scientists.
Accesări: 150
07.12.2011 Romania va prezenta pozitia UE in chestiunea schimbarilor climatice
Romania va face parte din echipa celor opt state care vor expune pozitia UE in chestiunea schimbarilor climatice.
Accesări: 141
06.12.2011 Crunch time at COP17 as high-level negotiations begin
World leaders and government ministers start their top level climate talks at COP17 on Tuesday, amid warnings that a breakthrough agreement is unlikely.
Accesări: 232
06.12.2011 Climate talks: India dismisses reports of differences with China
Durban: India has dismissed talks of differences with other BASIC nations particularly China at the climate change talks in Durban. The BASIC group which comprimises Brazil, South Africa, India and China, has been negotiating with other countries to try and secure a second round of commitment from the Developed Nations under an extended Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 187
06.12.2011 Romania bate pasul pe loc in lupta cu schimbarile climatice
Indexul de Performanta in Schimbari Climatice 2012 (CCPI 2012) a fost lansat de Germanwatch si Reteaua Europeana de Actiune pentru Clima (CAN Europe) in cadrul Conferintei ONU privind schimbarile climatice de la Durban, Africa de Sud, se arata intr-un comunicat al Terra Mileniul III.
Accesări: 94
06.12.2011 Ministrul roman al Mediului participa la Conferinta ONU de la Durban
Ministrul roman al Mediului si Padurilor, Laszlo Borbely, participa la Conferinta Natiunilor Unite asupra Schimbarilor Climatice, care se desfasoara in perioada 28 noiembrie – 09 decembrie 2011 la Durban (Republica Africa de Sud).
Accesări: 139
06.12.2011 Ghetarii din Himalaya se topesc rapid, cu efecte devastatoare asupra Pamantului
Ghetarii din Himalaya se topesc rapid din cauza schimbarilor climatice, confirma un raport facut public la summitul din Durban al Natiunilor Unite. Potrivit acestuia, in ultimii 30 de ani ghetarii din Nepal s-au micsorat cu 21%, iar cei ai Bhutan-ului, cu 22%.
Accesări: 124
05.12.2011 China favours EU plans for Kyoto replacement – but with conditions
UN climate talks back on track after China and Brazil say they will consider the 'right' legally-binding treaty on emission cuts
Accesări: 138
05.12.2011 Durban climate talks: India gives guarded response to draft negotiating text
DURBAN: A 73-page draft negotiating text was issued at the end of the first week of climate talks in the South African city of Durban. The text, issued by the chair of the Bali track of the negotiations, is an "amalgamation" of draft texts and will provide the basis for the final document that will be considered by the Conference of Parties or the general assembly of the 193 countries and the European Union.
Accesări: 141
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