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08.11.2011 Ambitions in check on global climate deal
With just weeks to go before UN talks on climate change open in South Africa, negotiators have shifted their goal from striking a historic deal to ensuring that the global system survives.
Accesări: 139
07.11.2011 IEA economist: ‘We have to leave oil before it leaves us’
The International Energy Agency (IEA)’s annual World Energy Outlook, due for publication on 9 November, will contain alarming research that the world is on track for a catastrophic rise in global temperatures unless fossil fuel subsidies are cut, energy efficiency is improved, and more countries introduce some form of carbon pricing.
Accesări: 187
07.11.2011 G-20 Leaders Endorse Green Climate Fund, Marine Protection
CANNES, France - The leaders of the G-20 group of major economies wrapped up their two-day annual meeting on Friday with promises to finance the fight against climate change through the Green Climate Fund, protect the marine environment from oil spills, and promote low-carbon development strategies.
Accesări: 134
07.11.2011 Africa is ready for climate showdown
The climate change conference in Panama City last month was the most recent in a series of multilateral meetings leading up to COP17. What happened there? Did these discussions have any impact on the message that the African Group of Negotiators will be taking to Durban?
Accesări: 130
04.11.2011 Plan to offset COP17 emissions
WITH the huge UN COP17 climate change summit just 24 days away, the eThekwini municipality has revealed a ground-breaking project as part of its greening programme to offset the carbon footprint of Durban’s hosting of the event.
Accesări: 136
04.11.2011 COP17 will produce 15 000 tons of CO2
This is the estimate of how much carbon dioxide will be produced during the 17th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP17).
Accesări: 151
03.11.2011 Russia sees need for more urgency on climate deal: EU
(Reuters) - Russia recognizes that concrete steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions need to be agreed at climate talks in South Africa next month before a globally binding climate deal can emerge by 2015, EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard said on Thursday.
Accesări: 142
03.11.2011 NGOs ‘excited’ over climate change laws
New climate change legislation that will give “real teeth” to the enforcement of carbon budgets – mandatory caps on the total quantity of greenhouse gases emitted within a specified time frame – for South Africa’s industrial sectors will be welcome, says conservation group WWF SA.
Accesări: 150
03.11.2011 GIEC: Potop si seceta pe Pamant
Grupul Interguvernamental de Experti in Evolutia Climei (GIEC) avertizeaza intr-un raport ce urmeaza sa fie publicat in cateva saptamani ca uraganele si potopurile, fenomene climatice extreme, se vor inteti din cauza schimbarilor climatice.
Accesări: 107
03.11.2011 China si SUA, cei mai mari poluatori din lume
SUA si China sunt mai mari poluatori la nivel mondial, cantitate de CO2 eliberata in atmosfera de acestea reprezinta 42% din total, potrivit directorului Bellona Enviromental, Derek Taylor, fost consilier al Comisiei Europene pe Energie. Potrivit acestuia, SUA si China elimina fiecare cate 21% din totalul de CO2 in timp ce tarile europene au o cota de 15%. Intr-un clasament al tarilor poluatoare, Europa este urmata de Rusia cu 9%, India si Japonia cu 4%, in timp ce tarile de pe continentul african au in total 3%.
Accesări: 103
02.11.2011 BASIC countries reach Kyoto consensus
Climate change ministers meet in Beijing ahead of Durban summit
Accesări: 179
02.11.2011 Climate Change Imperils Global Prosperity, U.N. Warns
A new report from the United Nations Development Program warns that if drastic measures are not taken to prepare nations for the impacts of climate change, the economic progress of the world’s developing countries could stall or even be reversed by 2050.
Accesări: 125
01.11.2011 UN releases snapshot of environmental change
GENEVA – The United Nations says humans are destroying the environment faster than they are learning to protect it.
Accesări: 187
30.11.2010 Urşii polari inventează noi metode pentru a-şi proteja puii de frig
În timp ce ideea de încălzire globală nu îi pasionează pe mulţi dintre români, urşii polari se luptă să supravieţuiască efectelor provocate de schimbările climatice.
Accesări: 139
30.11.2010 SUA isi pastreaza tinta de emisii asumata la Copenhaga
Statele Unite isi pastreaza angajamentul facut anul trecut, de a reduce emisiile de carbon cu 17% fata de nivelul din 2005, pana in 2020, informeaza Reuters.
Accesări: 155
30.11.2010 Scenariu de foc: temperaturile globale vor creste cu 4 grade Celsius pana in 2060
Temperatura globala anuala ar putea sa creasca cu 4 grade Celsius pana in 2060, conform celui mai pesimist scenariu al schimbarilor climatice, elaborat de mai multi cercetatori din cadrul Universitatii Oxford, relateaza Reuters.
Accesări: 132
30.11.2010 NASA Ghetarul Muir din Alaska, decimat de incalzirea globala
Ghetarul Muir din Alaska este unul din locurile in care incalzirea globala isi masoara efectele dezastroase extrem de vizibil. In imaginea comparativa publicata de NASA se pot observa foarte usor diferentele aparute de-a lungul unui secol, intre septembrie 1892 si august 2005.
Accesări: 146
30.11.2010 COP 16 Connie Hedegaard: Un progres la Cancun este crucial
Uniunea Europeana este pregatita pentru un plan ambitios de masuri de reducere a emisiilor, insa este nevoie de vointa politica si a celorlalte mari economii ale lumii, a subliniat Comisarul european pentru politici climatice, Connie Hedegaard, in cadrul Conferintei de la Cancun.
Accesări: 140
30.11.2010 U.S. Sees Progress In Easing Climate Row With China
Washington claimed progress in easing rifts with Beijing on ways to fight global warming on Monday as U.N. climate talks got under way in Mexico with warnings about the rising costs of inaction.
Accesări: 261
30.11.2010 COP 16 SUA vede progrese in negocierile climatice cu China
Primele discutii din cadrul Summit-ului Climatic de la Cancun au un ton optimist, potrivit membrilor din delegatia SUA, care sustin ca au constatat o detensionare in negocierile cu China privind reducerea emisiilor, relateaza Reuters.
Accesări: 147
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