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12.10.2010 BASIC ask developed nations to fulfil $30-billion obligation
Urging the developed countries to fulfil the obligation of providing the developing nations with $30 billion, the BASIC group of countries, formed by Brazil, South Africa, India and China, today said this fast-start financing should be made available as soon as possible in a transparent manner.
Accesări: 197
11.10.2010 Tianjin climate talks pave way for Cancun
The six-day United Nations climate change meeting has ended in Tianjin, with rich and poor countries still divided over responsibilities for emission targets, despite some partial progress.
Accesări: 154
11.10.2010 Climate war: Now, US trying to isolate China
The rift between developing and developed countries further widened at Tianjin, China, with the UN climate negotiations unable to build consensus on what small decisions the UN convention members could possibly agree to as an interim formula at Cancun in December.
Accesări: 297
11.10.2010 Cancun Strategy: BASIC meet in China today for international consultation & analysis
Barely a month before the Cancun climate summit, ministers of the BASIC countries will be meeting for a crucial round of consultations in Tianjin on Monday. Apart from ministers of Brazil, South Africa, India and China, the meeting will be attended by the G-77 chair Yemen, Grenada, Ethiopia, Egypt and Argentina.
Accesări: 196
10.10.2010 US and China blames each other on noncooperation on climate change
The United States and China clashed on the final day of climate change talks, accusing each other of blocking progress ahead of a major summit next month on global warming.
Accesări: 183
10.10.2010 Amid China-U.S. climate debate, India goes missing
The last round of negotiations before the year-end Cancun climate conference concluded on Saturday with modest progress, officials said, with the talks being slowed down by disagreements between China and the United States.
Accesări: 135
06.10.2010 Negociatorii climatici de la Tianjin s-au pus de acord: nu exista consens
La doua zile dupa inceperea conferintei de la Tianjin (China) privind schimbarile climatice, membrii delegatiei SUA s-au aratat dezamagiti de evolutia negocierilor ONU, potrivit Reuters. Seful delegatiei de negociatori americani, Jonathan Pershing, a aratat ca la Tianjin exista mai putin consens decat ar fi fost de asteptat in aceasta etapa avansata a negocierilor.
Accesări: 98
06.10.2010 Emisiile globale vor depasi limitele de pericol in 2020
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ar putea depasi, la nivelul anului 2020, cu o treime limitele de siguranta recomandate de expertii climatici, potrivit unui raport citat de
Accesări: 107
05.10.2010 UNFCCC launches global photo-and-video contest on CDM
In the run-up to the global climate meet at Cancun in Mexico this year-end, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has launched a photo and video contest showcasing benefits of green projects that are promoted under its ambit.
Accesări: 182
05.10.2010 Progress for climate change negotiations
Although governments have disagreements on emission reduction and transparency, they still can identify the direction on issues in line with guidance from the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Road Map, China's top climate negotiator Xie Zhenhua said Monday in Tianjin, China.
Accesări: 181
05.10.2010 China calls on rich nations to improve emission targets
China today called on wealthy nations to dramatically increase the rate at which they plan to cut their carbon emissions at international climate negotiations in Tianjin.
Accesări: 153
04.10.2010 UN climate chief calls for quick action
The UN climate change chief has urged feuding countries to immediately end their fighting and begin working towards a deal to combat global warming, as gridlocked talks resumed in China.
Accesări: 150
04.10.2010 New round of UN climate talks open in China, hoping concrete outcomes in Cancun
Negotiators at a new round of UN climate talks, opening in north China's Tianjin Municipality on Monday, are expected to pave the way for "concrete outcomes" at the year-end Cancun summit in Mexico, though no legally binding agreement is expected.
Accesări: 164
04.10.2010 Global climate talks kick off in China
Representatives from about 200 countries start meeting on Monday in China to narrow differences on climate change and grapple with extreme weather such as rising temperatures and melting polar icecaps.
Accesări: 151
04.10.2010 China Calls for Balanced Way to Tackle Climate Change
China on Monday said developing countries' right to development must be guaranteed in order to achieve a positive progress in tackling with climate change problems.
Accesări: 161
04.10.2010 Cancún failure would make climate talks 'irrelevant', EU negotiator warns
International climate talks are at risk of becoming irrelevant if countries fail to substantially narrow their differences before the end of this year, a senior European diplomat warned today.
Accesări: 173
04.10.2010 As world warms, U.N. lowers emissions cut goal
In a strategic shift, the United Nations has stopped urging nations to commit to tougher pledges to curb carbon emissions, fearing further debate could derail already fraught talks on a more ambitious climate pact.
Accesări: 152
04.10.2010 Ultimele discutii inainte de Cancun
Ultima runda de dezbateri a ONU pe tema combaterii incalzirii globale inainte de summitul climatic din Mexic din acest an, a inceput astazi in China, anunta BBC News.
Accesări: 89
04.10.2010 Morsa e noul simbol al incalzirii globale
Morsa de Pacific poate fi considerata noul simbol al incalzirii globale, relateaza Reuters. Ca si in cazul ursilor polari, morsele sunt dependente de bucatile de gheata plutitoare pentru a se odihni si pentru a-si ingriji si hrani puii.
Accesări: 138
30.10.2009 ООН впаривает метан
На предстоящем в декабре саммите ООН по изменению климата должна обсуждаться проблема выброса в атмосферу Земли не только углекислого газа, но и метана. Так считают ученые, которые в результате нового компьютерного моделирования парникового эффекта обнаружили, что вклад метана в изменение климата сильно недооценен.
Accesări: 188
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