Europenii si schimbarile climatice
Principalele concluzii ale unui sondaj special Eurobarometru pe tema atitudinii europenilor fata de modificarile climatice indica faptul ca europenii continua sa fie ingrijorati in legatura cu modificarile climatice, cred ca lupta impotriva acestora poate da un imbold cresterii economice in UE. |
Индия намерена сократить выбросы парниковых газов на 24% за 10 лет
К 2020 году Индия намерена сократить число выбросов парниковых газов на единицу ВВП на 24 процента по сравнению с уровнем 2005 года. При этом к 2030 году Индия могла бы добиться увеличить сокращение до 37 процентов. Об это проекте агентству Reuters сообщил на источник в правительстве страны. |
Australia respinge sistemul de comercializare a certificatelor de carbon
Parlamentul australian a respins legile de infiintare a unui sistem de comercializare a certificatelor de carbon, refuzand astfel una dintre politicile-cheie pe tema schimbarilor climatice ale premierului Kevin Rudd si deschizand portita pentru organizarea alegerilor anticipate, informeaza Reuters. |
UN: US, China climate offers 'can still evolve'
GENEVA — The U.N.'s environment chief said Tuesday he is optimistic that the climate change talks beginning in Copenhagen next week will reach a deal setting firm targets to cut carbon emissions. |
UN expects final climate change treaty by June
With less than a week until the United Nations climate talks, the United Nations' chief negotiator has denied suggestions the Copenhagen meeting will be a 'failure'. Instead, he is confident the conference will deliver an agreement, with ambitious targets from rich nations, and commitments to cut emissions growth by the developing world. |
Moves by U.S., China induce India to do its bit on climate
NEW DELHI -- Recent announcements by the United States and China to cut carbon dioxide emissions are propelling India to make its own commitment to slow greenhouse gas emissions and go to the upcoming Copenhagen climate summit with a firm proposal on reductions. |
Proiect pentru Copenhaga
Cu o saptamana inaintea conferintei pentru clima de la Copenhaga, Danemarca pregateste un proiect de reducere a emisiilor globale de gaze cu efect de sera cu 50% pana in 2050 fata de 1990 pentru a combate incalzirea climei si conform caruia cea mai mare parte a acestui efort sa fie suportata de tarile bogate, transmite France 24 (30 noiembrie). |
Global warming threatens food supply: Vietnam
HANOI (AFP) – Vietnam, the world's second-biggest rice exporter, said Wednesday it needs help to safeguard the world's food supply from the consequences of global warming. |
Global warming threatens China harvests: forecaster
Droughts and floods stoked by global warming threaten to destabilize China's grain production, the nation's top meteorologist has warned, urging bigger grain reserves and strict protection of farmland and water supplies. Skip related content |
Global warming measures will cost ‘twice as much as predicted’
Preventing runaway global warming may be twice as expensive as previously thought and Britain will have to incur billions of pounds of additional debt to cover its share of the cost, according to the world’s most influential climate change economist. |
Climate Change Impact on Nepal
The Earth’s climate is unique as it supports life due to the availability of oxygen in atmosphere, water on its surface and the occurrence of reasonable range of surface temperature due to the presence of naturally occurring green house gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide). Climate thus, has been playing central role in human societies since long. However, humanity today is playing a dice with its natural environment through multitude of interaction- injecting trace atmospheric gases like the green house gases, engineering massive land use change, depleting species in the natural habitat and accumulating stockpiles of nuclear equipment sufficient to destroy human civilization. |
Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill
SYDNEY – Australia's plans for an emissions trading system to combat global warming were scuttled Wednesday in Parliament, handing a defeat to a government that had hoped to set an example at international climate change talks next week. |
Topirea gheţii polare va determina o creştere de circa 1,4 metri a nivelului mărilor
Realizat de Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), studiul menţionează că apele calde ale mărilor accelerează topirea gheţii din Antarctica, în condiţiile în care gaura de ozon ce contribuise la răcirea regiunii şi protejarea ei în faţa încălzirii globale se închide treptat. Temperaturile în creştere din Peninsula Antarctica oferă condiţii de trai potrivite pentru diverse specii de uscat şi maritime. |
S.Korea in dilemma over gas emissions cut: minister
SEOUL (AFP) – South Korea is caught in a dilemma between its promise to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and mounting concerns that the move will only benefit business rival China, a minister said Tuesday. |
Mexico to pledge halving emissions by 2050
MEXICO CITY (AFP) – During crunch talks in Copenhagen next week, Mexico will propose to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2050 so long as it receives international aid, officials said Tuesday. |
India rejects Danish climate proposal
NEW DELHI (AFP) – India Tuesday rejected a Danish draft proposal on climate change which seeks to cap emissions, widening the gulf between rich and poor nations ahead of next week's Copenhagen talks. |
Coreea de Sud isi reduce emisiile cu 30%
Coreea de Sud si-a asumat o tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu efect de sera cu 30% pana in 2020, desi a anuntat ca va avea probleme in atingerea acestui obiectiv, informeaza Earth Times. |