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03.09.2010 Mexicul isi reduce emisiile cu 50 milioane de tone
Presedintele Mexicului, Felipe Calderon, a anuntat ieri ca tara sa va reduce emisiile de dioxid de carbon cu 50 milioane de tone pana la sfarsitul anului 2012, anunta agentia de presa Xinhua.
Accesări: 121
02.09.2010 Emissions impossible?
UN scheme under fire for lack of effectiveness, while Commission seeks to protect emissions scheme.
Accesări: 204
02.09.2010 Academic: Carbon trading could transform northeast
With traditional heavy industries that rely on intensive consumption of resources, Jilin province in northeast China could help the move toward sustainability through trading in carbon emissions, according to a proposal from an academic in the province.
Accesări: 343
02.09.2010 World cannot afford worsening disasters, warns UN climate change chief
The world cannot afford escalating disasters of the kind recently witnessed in Pakistan and Russia, the top United Nations climate change official said today, underscoring the need for governments to take swift action to lead the world towards a low-carbon future.
Accesări: 327
01.09.2010 Geneva talks aim to maintain climate finance momentum
Ministerial meeting hopes for low-carbon funding breakthrough ahead of Cancun summit
Accesări: 229
01.09.2010 EU carbon permit volumes fall in August, CERs rise
Traded volumes in European Union carbon permits fell by a third last month compared to July, while transactions in Kyoto carbon offsets jumped by 34 percent, Point Carbon said on Wednesday.
Accesări: 153
01.09.2010 U.N. To Study Impact Of Incomplete Climate Action
The U.N. panel of climate scientists will look at the costs of "second best" ways of fighting global warming amid doubts that all countries will sign up to U.N.-led action, a leading expert said on Tuesday.
Accesări: 250
01.09.2010 Need for concerted response to tackle global warming stressed
The urgent need for countries to sink their differences and evolve a concerted response to global warming and climate management was underscored by participants at a seminar here on Tuesday.
Accesări: 297
01.09.2010 Climate: New talks aim for push on finance
Ministers from nearly four dozen countries meet in Geneva on Thursday and Friday, bidding for progress on climate finance, an issue that has bedevilled the quest to roll back global warming.
Accesări: 221
01.09.2010 Australian PM Wins Greens Support In Govt Bid
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard forged an alliance with the Greens party on Wednesday to take her party closer to forming a government, but vowed not to allow the deal to change her plans for a tax on miners' profits.
Accesări: 277
31.08.2010 Japan emissions trading scheme prepares for 2013 launch
The Japanese government is preparing to revive pre-election plans to introduce a nationwide emissions trading scheme, according to draft documents obtained by Reuters.
Accesări: 343
18.08.2010 Mexico down-to-earth on Cancun climate summit
NEW DELHI: Pragmatism is a key word for the Mexican hosts of the next major United Nations conference on climate change this December.
Accesări: 197
17.08.2010 Zonele desertice inainteaza anual cu o suprafata egala cu cea a Greciei
In fiecare an, 12 milioane de hectare de teren, suprafata egala cu cea a Greciei, dispar sub actiunea desertificarii si eroziunii solului, arata un ultim raport al ONU, prezentat cu ocazia inaugurarii ”Deceniului de lupta impotriva desertificarii” (2010 – 2020).
Accesări: 191
17.08.2010 De ce creşte gheaţa din Antarctica?
Cercetătorii cred că au rezolvat paradoxul cu privire la creşterea masei de gheaţă din Antarctica într-o perioadă de încălzire globală.
Accesări: 205
17.08.2010 Mexico attempts to "rescue" stricken climate talks
Frantic round of diplomacy aims to get developing countries back on board ahead of crucial Cancun summit.
Accesări: 311
17.08.2010 EU - U.S. To Hold Summit In Portugal In November
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union and United States will hold a summit in Portugal in November, the EU and the White House said on Tuesday, offering an opportunity to rebuild ties strained by the cancellation of their last meeting.
Accesări: 283
13.08.2010 Extreme weather may be signs of climate change
Floods, fires, melting ice and feverish heat: From smoke-choked Moscow to water-soaked Iowa and the High Arctic, the planet seems to be having a midsummer breakdown. It's not just a portent of things to come, scientists say, but a sign of troubling climate change already under way.
Accesări: 342
13.08.2010 2009, primul an al scaderilor de emisii la nivel mondial
Criza mondiala si investitiile masive in energii regenerabile au scazut emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera la nivel mondial cu 1,3%, ajungand la un total de 31,3 miliarde de tone in 2009. Este vorba de primul an cand se inregistreaza un astfel de declin al emisiilor globale, se arata intr-o analiza a institutului german pentru energii regenerabile IWR, citata de Reuters.
Accesări: 142
12.08.2010 Cancún Conference Holds Out Little Hope in Face of Extreme Weather
Unusually warm temperatures and more frequent and intense droughts and hurricanes... you have seen the headlines. As options dwindle for negotiating a global pact to fight climate change, the United Nations is pointing to today's "extreme conditions."
Accesări: 541
12.08.2010 Blocarea curentului Jet produce dezastre în Rusia şi Pakistan
Cercetătorii nu ştiu care este motivul pentru care curentul jet a încetinit atât de mult, fiind bănuite însă undele Rosby şi activitatea solară scăzută.
Accesări: 184
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