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25.10.2010 Asian megacities threatened by climate change
World Bank report finds that costs from major flooding events on infrastructure and the economy could run into the billions of dollars, with urban poor populations likely to be the hardest hit. Report examines the impact of climate change on Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, and Manila, under a range of different scenarios through to 2050.
Accesări: 400
24.10.2010 Greece, Turkey spearhead efforts to fight climate change in the Mediterranean
VOULIAGMENI, GREECE – Greece and Turkey may disagree on many issues but are brought together in the fight against global warming. Athens and Ankara agreed on 22 October to join forces to combat climate change in the Mediterranean.
Accesări: 351
23.10.2010 Arctica se incalzeste intr-un ritm record
Arctica se incalzeste intr-un ritm fara precedent, afectand populatiile si ecosistemele, dar si regimul climateric in zonele cele mai populate din emisfera nordica, potrivit unui raportului anual al administratiei americane publicat la sfrasitul acestei saptamani.
Accesări: 145
22.10.2010 Tarile mediteraneene si-au facut plan de bataie impotriva incalzirii globale
Liderii tarilor mediteraneene s-au intalnit astazi in capitala Greciei pentru a hotari o initiativa regionala de combatere a schimbarilor climatice, informeaza „Earth Times”.
Accesări: 178
21.10.2010 Target numbers take back seat in Nagoya
NAGOYA — The success or failure of U.N. conferences often hinges on whether delegates come to agreement after days or months — in some cases years — of intense haggling over a few numbers.
Accesări: 193
21.10.2010 Climate change is with us: Walvis mayor
THERE is growing evidence of the impacts of climate change on Namibia’s coastline, the mayor of Walvis Bay said this week.
Accesări: 237
21.10.2010 U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects
NAGOYA, Japan (Reuters) – The United Nations should impose a moratorium on "geo-engineering" projects such as artificial volcanoes and vast cloud-seeding schemes to fight climate change, green groups say, fearing they could harm nature and mankind.
Accesări: 248
21.10.2010 Emerging Economies Face Alarming Situation
Some of the world's largest and fastest-growing economies, including India, are faced with an alarming situation. Their populations, ecosystems and business environments are faced with the greatest risks over the next 30 years, according to a new global ranking, which calculates the vulnerability of 170 countries to the impacts of climate change.
Accesări: 319
21.10.2010 Biodiversity summit must tackle destructive impacts of food production
Governments from around the world will arrive in Nagoya, Japan next week for the high-level ministerial segment of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting. Their task is daunting. Even the modest target set in 2002 of reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 has proved beyond the reach of current strategies. But rather than wringing their hands over the tide of species loss that has swept the planet, delegates should turn their attention to the root cause of the problem: the ways in which we meet our need for food.
Accesări: 351
21.10.2010 At Japan biodiversity meeting, access to resources divides rich and poor
Nagoya, Japan – Representatives from 193 countries gathered in Nagoya, Japan, Monday for the opening of a two-week United Nations Conference on Biodiversity described as a “Kyoto Protocol for all living things.”
Accesări: 283
20.10.2010 U.N. report stresses the value of nature to world's economies
The world has vastly underestimated the economic value of nature in developing nations, according to a report the United Nations is releasing Wednesday.
Accesări: 233
20.10.2010 U.K. Has Prospect to Make `Significant' More HFC Reductions, Study Shows
The U.K. has made considerable progress in reducing emissions of hydrofluorocarbons, the potent industrial gases that trap heat, and technological changes create prospects for further “significant” cuts, a study showed.
Accesări: 223
20.10.2010 Ban presses EU for climate leadership
European member states can lead the way in tackling the delicate issues of climate change, the U.N. secretary-general told the European legislature.
Accesări: 249
19.10.2010 UN says "da" to pioneering Russian carbon-cutting project
Russia has been given the green light for its first emissions reductions scheme to be verified under a new UN-backed carbon offset certification procedure.
Accesări: 330
19.10.2010 Mexico stretches funds to cut greenhouse emissions
Hopes are dim for a global agreement to help developing nations cut carbon emissions, so Mexico is relying on an imperfect blend of grants, loans and ingenuity to meet self-imposed limits on greenhouse gases.
Accesări: 229
19.10.2010 Climate change treaty must address health issues: WHO
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Tuesday said next month's climate change conference in Mexico must address health concerns in any legally-binding agreement on mitigating the impacts of global warming as it threatens human health.
Accesări: 250
19.10.2010 U.N. summit sends S.O.S. on biodiversity
(CNN) -- Delegates from all over the world descended on Nagoya in Japan on Monday for talks considered crucial to sustaining the future of animal, plant and human life on Earth.
Accesări: 318
18.10.2010 World needs urgent action to stop species loss: U.N
The world cannot afford to allow nature's riches to disappear, the United Nations said on Monday at the start of a major meeting to combat losses in animal and plant species that underpin livelihoods and economies.
Accesări: 224
18.10.2010 'Ten years' to solve nature crisis, UN meeting hears
The UN biodiversity convention meeting has opened with warnings that the ongoing loss of nature is hurting human societies as well as the natural world.
Accesări: 257
18.10.2010 Framework for aviation sector to cut emissions
Bisignani: Industry’s ambitious targets still ahead of governments
Accesări: 268
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