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08.09.2011 UN Chief Calls Climate Change “Real,” Demands Action
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called Thursday for stepped-up efforts to fight global climate change, directly linking the phenomenon to drought in the Horn of Africa and severe flooding in Australia.
Accesări: 243
07.09.2011 UN Secretary General backs Pacific calls for action on climate change
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday gave his ringing support to Pacific leaders, calling for urgent global action on climate change.
Accesări: 227
07.09.2011 EU will re-sign Kyoto if others act
The European Union is willing to sign up to a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, after the present one expires at the end of next year, but only if commitments are forthcoming from other major emitters, EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard says.
Accesări: 302
05.09.2011 UN, EU Leaders to Hear Pacific Climate Concerns
Auckland, New Zealand. Pacific leaders will highlight the threat that rising seas pose to low-lying nations at a regional forum in Auckland this week attended by the heads of the United Nations and the European Commission.
Accesări: 234
01.09.2011 UN’s $100 Billion Climate-Change Initiative Seen to Need Private Funding
A fund to help channel $100 billion in climate-change aid annually to developing nations should encourage private financing instead of counting mostly on money from cash-strapped industrialized countries, Bloomberg New Energy Finance said.
Accesări: 285
31.08.2011 Ban to stress on climate change during four-nation visit
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will embark on a four-nation visit to Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands and Kiribati at the end of this week during which the issue of climate change will be a key focus.
Accesări: 362
30.08.2011 Kyoto team suspends Romania from carbon market
The Kyoto Protocol committee has blocked Romania from selling carbon credits over concerns about irregularities in the country's carbon emissions data, Romania's environment ministry said Sunday.
Accesări: 350
30.08.2011 "Kyoto Protocol is not dead": UN official
An official from the United Nations said here Tuesday that it is extremely important for the Kyoto Protocol to continue.
Accesări: 345
30.08.2011 Schimbările climatice afectează sănătatea mintală
Schimbările climatice pot avea un anumit impact asupra sănătăţii mintale a populaţiei - stres pentru adulţi şi anxietate pentru copii -, potrivit unui studiu publicat luni de un institut de cercetări ştiinţifice din Australia.
Accesări: 221
29.08.2011 Climate will make us depressed and anxious
If we don't start tackling climate change, Australians will be increasingly depressed, anxious or stressed.... and more prone to substance abuse, a new report says.
Accesări: 361
25.08.2011 European HF-23 super greenhouse gas emissions show flaws in emission offset procedures
A study by the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, EMPA, shows that European chemical manufacturers are venting HFC-23, which has a global warming potential of 14,800 times that of CO2, into our atmosphere.
Accesări: 335
25.08.2011 Variatiile climatice influenteaza conflictele in lume, au descoperit cercetatorii
Conflictele declansate in lume sunt influentate intr-o oarecare masura de variatiile climatice, precum cele provocate de El Nino si La Nina. Fenomenul se poate agrava din cauza poluarii industriale, se arata intr-un studiu publicat, joi, in revista Nature, si citat de Mediafax.
Accesări: 266
24.08.2011 'Happy' Bhutan alarmed by Himalayan climate change
Bhutan's prime minister has issued a dire warning about the impact of Himalayan climate change, saying it could wreck the tiny kingdom's ambitious plans to be a world leader in hydropower.
Accesări: 332
24.08.2011 Climate change could cost forestry jobs
The Federal Government's commodity adviser says jobs in commercial forestry regions could be lost due to a changing climate.
Accesări: 364
23.08.2011 An island's climate response
AN island in the Lau Group has started taking steps to strengthen its resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Accesări: 348
22.08.2011 World Leaders Praise Libyan Rebel Advances
World leaders are applauding the rebel advance into Libya's capital, Tripoli, as a step toward ending violence in the country and beginning a democratic future.
Accesări: 336
22.08.2011 EU may propose plan to extend Kyoto:sources: report
LONDON - The EU could yet table a proposal that would throw the beleaguered Kyoto Protocol a lifeline and secure the future of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) beyond 2012, government negotiators and observers have told Point Carbon News.
Accesări: 309
21.08.2011 Water crisis, population surge prompt rethink on food: UN
STOCKHOLM — Population growth and water stress are driving Earth to a food and environmental crunch that only better farming techniques and smarter use of the ecosystem will avert, a UN report issued on Monday said.
Accesări: 357
21.08.2011 Reaching new climate change deal in Durban
A global deal must be the aim of a future climate change pact said British Ambassador Martin Uden.
Accesări: 385
21.08.2011 Animalele se muta in zone mai reci din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Animalele raspund la schimbarile climatice mai rapid, schimbandu-si habitatul catre locuri mai inalte intr-un ritm de doua-trei ori mai rapid decat se prevazuse initial, au aratat cercetatorii Universitatii York in cadrul unui nou studiu publicat de revista Science.
Accesări: 203
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