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25.10.2011 Studiu: Ghetarii din Himalaya sunt pe punctul de a se topi. S-au marit lacurile glaciale
Cresterea puternica a temperaturilor, provocata partial de incalzirea climei Pamantului, cauzeaza topirea ghetarilor chinezi din muntii Himalaya, cu un impact nefast pentru locuitori, turism si economie, potrivit unui studiu publicat, marti, in Environmental Research Letters, informeaza AFP.
Accesări: 220
24.10.2011 Will the Kyoto Protocol survive the Durban climate talks?
Financial disagreements, a pressing need to reduce emissions faster and the unlikelihood of an international agreement over the Kyoto Protocol, leaves Durban looking less than promising
Accesări: 312
24.10.2011 EU Should Focus CO2 Incentive on Renewables, De Boer Says
The European Union should rethink its plan to restrict use of emission credits from the world’s biggest greenhouse-gas offsetting program, said a former United Nations’ chief climate official.
Accesări: 335
24.10.2011 Durban climate negotiations meet won't be easy for India
NEW DELHI: India could find itself in a tough spot at the UN-sponsored climate negotiations in Durban, especially on the question of the legal nature of the global effort to deal with the climate change.
Accesări: 311
24.10.2011 CO2 targets achievable with action
Keeping global warming below two degrees over the next decade is achievable, but decisive action is crucial, a new study has found.
Accesări: 333
24.10.2011 Pretul certificatelor de emisii de carbon in scadere cu 28% fata de inceputul anului
Pretul unui certifcat de emisii de carbon a scazut cu 28% comparativ cu inceputul anului, au declarat pentru Green Report surse din piata.
Accesări: 203
21.10.2011 Start of pre-COP 17 consultations
The pace is hotting up as the deadline for the upcoming COP 17/CMP7 International Climate Change Conference in Durban at the end of November draws closer.
Accesări: 308
20.10.2011 40-day countdown to COP17
Faith leaders, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, intend to use the upcoming Climate Change Conference in Durban to push governments to act in the interest of the world’s environment.
Accesări: 398
20.10.2011 Figueres: Legally-binding climate deal achievable
A legally-binding post-2012 climate agreement is achievable, said the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Christiana Figueres – but not this year.
Accesări: 324
19.10.2011 Climate-change conference venue receives quality certification
International Convention Centre Durban, venue for the COP17 climate-change conference later this year, rewarded for its environmental management practices
Accesări: 298
18.10.2011 South Africa faces COP 17 balancing act
South Africa would need to ensure a balanced approach to its roles as a negotiating party and as the president of the seventeenth Conference of the Parties (COP 17), to be held in Durban late next month, Imbewu Sustainability Legal Specialist’s Dr Marie Parramon said on Tuesday.
Accesări: 304
18.10.2011 No "big bang" expected from Durban climate talks: EU
(Reuters) - Global climate talks in South Africa next month will not produce a "big bang" capable of producing a new and binding pact to slash greenhouse gases, but steady progress could be made, a senior European climate official said on Tuesday.
Accesări: 292
17.10.2011 Climate change focus
REDUCING the risks of climate change and increasing the resilience of agriculture and forestry ecosystems are vital to Pacific Islanders, says Land Resources Division acting director Inoke Ratukalou.
Accesări: 249
17.10.2011 UN official stresses climate change adaptation measures in Africa
African States have no choice but to implement climate change adaptation measures, given the continent’s vulnerability to the phenomenon, a senior United Nations official said today as the first conference on climate change and development in Africa got under way in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
Accesări: 328
17.10.2011 New climate change plan lauded as ‘balanced’
Analysts say the document has a firm eye on mitigating any possible negative effect on jobs
Accesări: 300
17.10.2011 Animalele se micşorează din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Cercetătorii spun că temperaturile mai ridicate din ultimii ani au obligat unele dintre animale să se adapteze: ele au nevoie de mai puţine grăsime pentru a supravieţui. Altele, însă, se chinuie să trăiască.
Accesări: 105
16.10.2011 UN chief pushes trust, green themes with lawmakers
BERN, Switzerland (AP) — Lawmakers in Europe and elsewhere must do more than put their debt-wracked houses in order — they must reassure citizens who fear diminished future prospects, and that means restoring people's trust in government, the U.N. secretary-general said Sunday night.
Accesări: 237
16.10.2011 Experts back India at climate change talks
New Delhi: With India proposing the inclusion of some of neglected issues in the agenda of the UN climate change negotiations in Durban later this year, experts feel the country has taken a U-turn from its stand in Mexico 2010 and is following a better line.
Accesări: 265
13.10.2011 ESG Green Pages official catalogue at UN Convention
Up to 40 000 visitors, including delegates from 185 countries are expected at the seventeenth Conference of the Parties (COP 17) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) next month. As the host nation and as a developing country, South Africa's participation must be committed to the global effort addressing concerns of climate change and sustainable development.
Accesări: 319
12.10.2011 ASEAN unity in climate talks urged
MANILA, Philippines – In the wake of the devastating floods in member-countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, particularly Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippines, over the past two weeks, the regional bloc has been urged to unite and take a more active and transparent role in pushing for binding agreements to combat climate change.
Accesări: 308
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