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21.12.2011 Pollution Real if not Official
In a country which houses 21 of the world’s 100 most polluted cities, outcry over official underplaying of pollution is escalating as residents refuse to take government readings of the problem at face value.
Accesări: 712
21.12.2011 EU Lawmakers Back Plan To Withhold EU CO2 Permits
European Union lawmakers backed a proposal on Tuesday to allow the EU Commission to prop up record low carbon prices by withholding 1.4 billion permits from the third phase of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, sending prices 20 percent higher.
Accesări: 415
21.12.2011 Durban illuminates the emerging new world order
The outcome of the latest round of climate change negotiations in Durban was as good as any dared hope for. A second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, together with agreement from all countries to begin negotiations on a new legally binding instrument, or an agreement with “legal force” is a major step forward. However, Durban will be remembered for much more than that; as the place where the tectonic plates of international relations fundamentally shifted.
Accesări: 479
21.12.2011 Taxa UE pe emisiile de carbon ale avioanelor, aprobata de Curtea Europeana de Justitie. Masura, in vigoare de la 1 ianuarie
Intentia Uniunii Europene de a percepe o taxa pe emisiile de carbon ale avioanelor a fost aprobata de Curtea Europeana de Justitie.
Accesări: 271
20.12.2011 Post-Kyoto, a search for ‘a subtle skill’ in tackling climate change
The Kyoto Protocol was very much the north wind in Aesop’s fable of the wind and the sun. Which of those elements could more quickly induce a man to discard his cloak – or a country to discard its carbon?
Accesări: 442
20.12.2011 Climate Sensitivity Greater Than Previously Believed
Many of the particles in the atmosphere are produced by the natural world, and it is possible that plants have in recent decades reduced the effects of the greenhouse gases to which human activity has given rise. One consequence of this is that the climate may be more sensitive to emissions caused by human activity than we have previously believed. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) have collected new data that may lead to better climate models.
Accesări: 414
20.12.2011 Africa: Climate Change - Continent May Be Worst Hit, Says UNIDO
The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) has sounded a note of warning that the African continent may be the worst hit by the effect of global warming.
Accesări: 459
19.12.2011 Durban climate summit gains cited
MANILA, Philippines — A ranking Philippine delegate to the recently-concluded United Nations climate summit in Durban, South Africa lauded efforts of first-world nations to accommodate major concerns of the developing and most vulnerable countries.
Accesări: 413
19.12.2011 Agreement on global warming mitigation
MANILA, Philippines — The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) has signed an agreement with a Korean agency to work jointly in research to mitigate the impact of global warming.
Accesări: 464
18.12.2011 Nations to effect climate change pact in 2020
Developing countries have to continue bearing the effects of global warming for another decade. This is the deal struck at the UN-sponsored climate change summit in Durban, where developed nations reluctantly agreed to address the calamity by 2020.
Accesări: 452
18.12.2011 EU parliament set to call for carbon market
(Reuters) - European politicians are expected on Tuesday to vote through an amendment that could pave the way for direct intervention in the EU carbon market, which has sunk to record lows.
Accesări: 381
16.12.2011 Topirea brusca a permafrostului ameninta grav clima planetei
Pe masura ce Arctica se incalzeste, gazele cu efect de sera vor fi eliberate din permafrostul dezghetat rapid si la nivele mult mai mari decat se estimase initial, se arata intr-un nou studiu efectuat de 41 de cercetatori internationali, si publicat in jurnalul Nature.
Accesări: 164
16.12.2011 ŞOC ÎN LUMEA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ: Metanul din Oceanul Arctic ameninţă Pământul
"În urmă cu ceva timp, am descoperit structuri gen torţă, dar acestea nu depăşeau câteva zeci de metri. Este pentru prima dată când descoperim scurgeri continue, puternice şi impresionante. Vorbim de suprafeţe cu peste 1.000 de metri în diametru", a spus un membru al Academiei de Ştiinţe din Rusia, Igor Semiletov.
Accesări: 102
15.12.2011 Loophole Inserted in Climate Accord Augurs U.S.-China Clash
The deal struck by United Nations envoys this week to fight climate change gives the biggest polluters three options for a wider agreement by 2015, setting the stage for renewed discord between rich and poor countries.
Accesări: 395
15.12.2011 COP17 - Binding deal in 2015
Responses to the deal reached by 195 countries at the climate change talks in Durban last week range from praising the compromise as a “historic agreement” to accusing it of giving in to polluters at the expense of the planet.
Accesări: 358
15.12.2011 EU Looks to Carbon Reductions
BRUSSELS—Efforts to cut greenhouse-gas emissions in the European Union will pay off over the next four decades as they will reduce the fossil fuel bill, but such a scenario hinges on where oil prices are headed, the European Commission said Thursday.
Accesări: 321
15.12.2011 Despaduririle, subiect ocolit la Durban
Conferinta ONU asupra schimbarilor climatice, incheiata de curand la Durban, Africa de Sud, nu a adus raspunsurile necesare pentru a frana despaduririle, sustin expertii.
Accesări: 122
14.12.2011 UN Climate Chief Is ‘Surprised’ at Canada’s Kyoto Withdrawal
United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres said she regrets Canada’s decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol and is “surprised” at the timing of the move.
Accesări: 350
14.12.2011 UN: Canada, out of Kyoto, must still cut emissions
Reuters) - Canada still has a legal obligation under United Nations rules to cut its emissions despite the country's pullout from the Kyoto Protocol, the U.N. climate chief said on Tuesday.
Accesări: 223
14.12.2011 Cantitate uriasa de metan, la suprafata Oceanului Arctic. Cercetatorii se tem de efectele gazului cu efect de sera
Bule de metan, un gaz cu efect de sera de 20 de ori mai potent decat CO2, au fost observate rasarind la suprafata Oceanului Arctic de catre oameni de stiinta rusi care efectuau un studiu elaborat in zona.
Accesări: 187
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