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04.07.2012 U.K. Climate Expert Warns Korea Over Excess Permit Allocation
South Korea should avoid giving away too many carbon permits as it starts a cap-and-trade system to cut greenhouse gases, a U.K. climate diplomat said.
Accesări: 246
04.07.2012 CO2 emissions will impact climate for centuries to come, Carnegie Institution for Science report predicts
Carbon dioxide emitted today could have impacts on the climate for centuries to come, according to a new report.
Accesări: 331
04.07.2012 Climate Live: Climate change damage to be felt for centuries, Greenpeace launch new Arctic film and can Higgs Boson give hope to climate scientists?
China has declared the Three Gorges Dam project complete. The $50bn project was started in 1994. It generates huge amounts of clean electricity but attracted criticism for displacing 1.3 million people.
Accesări: 228
03.07.2012 Global warming no longer Americans’ top environmental concern, poll finds
Climate change no longer ranks first on the list of what Americans see as the world’s biggest environmental problem, according to a new Washington Post-Stanford University poll.
Accesări: 222
03.07.2012 Sharp rise in sea levels to Australia's north: report
Leading Australian scientists have firmed their view on the rate of sea-level rise, in the latest snapshot of this climate change problem.
Accesări: 275
03.07.2012 This US summer is 'what global warming looks like'
If you want a glimpse of some of the worst of global warming, scientists suggest taking a look at U.S. weather in recent weeks.
Accesări: 249
03.07.2012 Creşterea nivelului mării NU va putea fi oprită
Creşterea nivelului mării nu va putea fi oprită în următoarele câteva sute de ani, chiar dacă emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră vor fi reduse drastic. Concluzia aparţine unui grup de cercetători americani şi australieni.
Accesări: 174
02.07.2012 New Zealand extends carbon trade rules until 2015
New Zealand's government said on Monday it would continue allowing carbon emitters to offset just half of their emissions until at least 2015 to avoid putting New Zealand firms under more financial pressure as the economy struggles to improve.
Accesări: 239
02.07.2012 Youth-Friendly Apps Visualise Carbon Footprint
Following what many regard as a disappointment at the recent Rio+20 Earth Summit, the World Bank and several groups have begun implementing new initiatives to “personalise” climate change, in hopes of revitalising the issue among the younger generation.
Accesări: 278
02.07.2012 Controversial carbon tax takes effect
Both sides of politics have ramped up public pressure over the carbon tax as one of the most divisive pieces of government policy in recent times officially begins.
Accesări: 219
01.07.2012 Caribbean: need for a gender focus in climate change policy
Incorporating a gender focus in public policies for confronting and adapting to the impacts of climate change is still a pending task in the Caribbean, despite women’s proven skills in risk and disaster management.
Accesări: 193
01.07.2012 Australia obligă companiile care poluează aerul să plătească impozit pentru emisiile de carbon
Australia s-a alăturat naţiunilor care impun o taxă pentru emisiile de carbon. Astfel, după mai mulţi ani de dispute politice, astăzi, a intrat în vigoare controversatul impozit pe carbon. Noua lege forţează aproximativ 300 de companii să plătească 24 de dolari pentru producerea fiecărei tone de gaze cu efect de seră.
Accesări: 122
29.06.2012 Greenhouse gas emissions fell last year - but only because of milder weather
Britain's greenhouse gas emissions fell last year but only due to milder weather and higher energy prices, government advisors have warned as they call for greater action to address climate change.
Accesări: 451
29.06.2012 World Bank Announces Winners in “Apps for Climate” Competition
A software application developed in Argentina that teaches about energy consumption, climate change and the actions needed to reduce carbon emissions took first place in the World Bank “Apps for Climate” competition.
Accesări: 410
29.06.2012 Project aims to win China low-carbon investment
An international research project was launched on Thursday in Beijing to explore how China can better attract and manage investment in low-carbon initiatives.
Accesări: 438
29.06.2012 West's Wildfires A Preview Of Changed Climate: Scientists
Scorching heat, high winds and bone-dry conditions are fueling catastrophic wildfires in the U.S. West that offer a preview of the kind of disasters that human-caused climate change could bring, a trio of scientists said on Thursday.
Accesări: 398
27.06.2012 Polish businesses launch offensive against EU climate policy
The Polish Chamber of Commerce (PCC) threw its weight behind Warsaw’s campaign against the EU’s decarbonisation goals for 2050 yesterday (26 June), launching a study which claims that Polish jobs, growth, inflation and the environment are under threat.
Accesări: 433
27.06.2012 D.C. appeals court upholds EPA regulations to fight global warming
A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s finding that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming and are a threat to public health, a major victory for the Obama administration and a setback to states and trade groups that oppose government regulations on carbon emissions.
Accesări: 457
26.06.2012 What the Failure of Rio+20 Means for the Climate
Expectations were extremely modest for the Rio+20 Earth Summit that ended last week-and the best thing that might be said about the conference is that it managed to clear that very low bar. Despite the presence of more than 50,000 people and about 100 heads of state and government-though not, notably, U.S. President Barack Obama-the summit produced very little of note.
Accesări: 462
25.06.2012 My Ghanaian grandfather would agree that Rio+20 may yet be a turning point
The storm clouds above the Riocentro conference centre as the Amazonian winter came in were seen by some as an ill omen. The emerging outcomes of the Rio+20 Earth summit have been long on rhetoric and short on specifics, and with a marked lack of firm commitments from the political leaders present. Aggrieved nature biting back?
Accesări: 372
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