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07.11.2012 Former UN official says climate report will shock nations into action
THE next United Nations climate report will ''scare the wits out of everyone'' and should provide the impetus needed for the world to finally sign an agreement to tackle global warming, the former head of the UN negotiations said.
Accesări: 253
06.11.2012 World Bank’s Kim Raises Sandy as G-20 Ignores Climate
Superstorm Sandy and the risk of more disasters sparked by climate change barely featured at a Group of 20 summit. Then World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim brought it up.
Accesări: 273
06.11.2012 Next UN climate science report will “scare the wits out of everyone”
The next UN climate science report will “scare the wits out of everyone”, according to former UN climate change chief Yvo de Boer.
Accesări: 275
06.11.2012 Australian infrastructure not up to facing new climate reality, according to new report
Australia’s infrastructure is badly prepared for the growing threat posed of climate change, according to a new study.
Accesări: 223
05.11.2012 Why taxing shipping emissions is not all plain sailing
In 2007, the shipping industry emitted more CO2 than Germany.
Accesări: 253
05.11.2012 ‘Tourism bus line’ for climate conference participants
The 17,000 participants coming for the Doha 2012 United Nations Climate Change Confe rence (COP18/CMP8) Conference, being held from November 26 to December 7, will be served by a fleet of more than 400 buses offering “hop-on hop-off” sightseeing trips.
Accesări: 315
05.11.2012 World destined for dangerous climate change this century
The world is most likely to face dangerous climate change this century - with global temperatures possibly rising by as much as 6C - because of the failure of governments to find alternatives to fossil fuels, a report by a group of economists has warned.
Accesări: 213
05.11.2012 Forţa Junimii ne îndeamnă să fim prietenoşi cu mediul ambiant
Dacă temperatura medie va creşte în acelaşi ritm, la nivel global, în următorii 50-70 ani, zona de sud a R. Moldova se va transforma în una de semideşert, iar în zonele de nord, clima va deveni de asemenea, aridă. Vom avea probleme de calitate şi cantitate a resurselor de apă. Declaraţia a fost făcută de Vasile Scorpan, manager la "Oficiul Schimbarea Climei", în timpul emisiunii „Forţa Junimii” de duminică, 4 noiembrie 2012, prezentată de Daniel Vodă şi Cristina Jandîc.
Accesări: 205
02.11.2012 Sandy puts climate change back in the conversation
You know that mom cliche of yesteryear about the kid who lacks the sense to come in out of a good hard rain? As a country, we’ve been that clue-free child for decades, determined to pretend that whatever “freak storm” we’ve just been through is nothing we’ll ever have to worry about again.
Accesări: 333
02.11.2012 Why you need a climate change portfolio
Whether you believe in man-made global warming or not, it's undeniable that trillions of dollars will be spent on technologies to address the collateral damage of climate change.
Accesări: 222
02.11.2012 New Report Analyzes Threats to National Security from Climate Change
The American Security Project released a new report analyzing the threats to national security both at home and abroad from climate change. As we are seeing by the events of this week, extreme weather – exacerbated by a changing climate – poses clear threats to the United States.
Accesări: 498
01.11.2012 New York Mayor Bloomberg endorses Obama for re-election, cites leadership on climate change
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Thursday backed President Barack Obama over Republican Mitt Romney, saying the incumbent Democrat will bring leadership that is critically needed to fight climate change after the East Coast devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy.
Accesări: 254
01.11.2012 Shipping emissions tax worth $10bn a year to the Green Climate Fund
A global levy on shipping emissions could be worth at least $10bn a year to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), according to WWF.
Accesări: 239
31.10.2012 Climate change mitigation and adaptation equally critical to securing food security, warn researchers
Ahead of the UN climate summit, in Doha, researchers have warned that mitigating the impacts of agriculture on the atmosphere and adapting to the effects of climate change on food systems will be equally crucial to feed a growing population.
Accesări: 351
31.10.2012 The African youth group driving climate adaptation in rural communities
Africa is the world’s second-largest continent and also the second most populous.
Accesări: 361
31.10.2012 UN agencies target climate health impacts as extreme weather events triple in 50 years
A new atlas has been published to help reduce the impact of extreme weather events and climatic variability on human health.
Accesări: 367
30.10.2012 Comment: Is it time the UN climate change talks abandoned consensus?
The most common criticism of the UN climate change negotiations is the sometimes glacial pace.
Accesări: 449
30.10.2012 Climate change adding sting to mosquito bite, says WHO report
The warning is ominous — climate change and global warming will make vector-borne diseases like dengue and malaria - already causing havoc in the country more lethal.
Accesări: 368
30.10.2012 Effects of climate change increase risk of storms’ impacts
Tweeters are calling Hurricane Sandy Mother Nature’s revenge: Because so few prominent politicians have even mentioned climate change this election season, they say, she has cooked up a reminder.
Accesări: 368
29.10.2012 Who knows if climate change is to blame – but Sandy is a wake-up call
Whether or not Hurricane Sandy is the direct consequence of climate change is a moot point.
Accesări: 297
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