‘Tourism bus line’ for climate conference participants
The 17,000 participants coming for the Doha 2012 United Nations Climate Change Confe rence (COP18/CMP8) Conference, being held from November 26 to December 7, will be served by a fleet of more than 400 buses offering “hop-on hop-off” sightseeing trips. |
World destined for dangerous climate change this century
The world is most likely to face dangerous climate change this century - with global temperatures possibly rising by as much as 6C - because of the failure of governments to find alternatives to fossil fuels, a report by a group of economists has warned. |
Forţa Junimii ne îndeamnă să fim prietenoşi cu mediul ambiant
Dacă temperatura medie va creşte în acelaşi ritm, la nivel global, în următorii 50-70 ani, zona de sud a R. Moldova se va transforma în una de semideşert, iar în zonele de nord, clima va deveni de asemenea, aridă. Vom avea probleme de calitate şi cantitate a resurselor de apă. Declaraţia a fost făcută de Vasile Scorpan, manager la "Oficiul Schimbarea Climei", în timpul emisiunii „Forţa Junimii” de duminică, 4 noiembrie 2012, prezentată de Daniel Vodă şi Cristina Jandîc. |
Sandy puts climate change back in the conversation
You know that mom cliche of yesteryear about the kid who lacks the sense to come in out of a good hard rain? As a country, we’ve been that clue-free child for decades, determined to pretend that whatever “freak storm” we’ve just been through is nothing we’ll ever have to worry about again. |
Why you need a climate change portfolio
Whether you believe in man-made global warming or not, it's undeniable that trillions of dollars will be spent on technologies to address the collateral damage of climate change. |
New Report Analyzes Threats to National Security from Climate Change
The American Security Project released a new report analyzing the threats to national security both at home and abroad from climate change. As we are seeing by the events of this week, extreme weather – exacerbated by a changing climate – poses clear threats to the United States. |