Russia Still Dragging Its Feet on Climate Change
Russia doesn't seem to care two bits about global warming, and it's not hard to see why. Most Russians would probably be happy if the country was a little warmer. Officials even joke that once climate change has run its course, people may start pouring into Siberia instead of trying to escape it. If the polar ice caps melt any further, Russia would be able to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic Ocean, where it's believed to have huge fossil-fuel reserves. For the rest of the planet, however, the picture is not so cheerful. |
Barcelona climate talks turn up heat on US
Pressure on the United States to define emission reduction goals and move on climate funding is mounting this week in Barcelona, where the UN climate negotiations are trying to make progress towards a post-Kyoto agreement. |
Climate negotiators grow impatient at lack of leadership from America
UN and EU pile pressure on US to set ambitious carbon cuts and timetables to improve chances of deal at Copenhagen.With just five days' formal negotiations left before the start of crucial UN climate talks in Copenhagen next month, key figures in the negotiations are showing clear signs of impatience at the US position. |
China outperforms US on green issues
China is often accused of not doing enough to reduce the carbon dioxide and other pollution pouring from its factories and coal-fuelled power stations. But a new report suggests the country is doing more to tackle climate change than it gets credit for: in fact, its environmental standards surpass the US in some key measures. |
From MIT to Copenhagen: How Obama Can Help Us Win Climate Victory
Whether you were standing in the middle of Times Square with a bullhorn (like me!), or holding signs at a rally in Fargo, North Dakota, or lined up in the formation of the number "350" on the steps of the Sydney Opera House: The local and global buzz leading up to next month's expected clean energy legislation in the U.S. Senate and the United Nations' December climate conference in Copenhagen reached a crescendo over the weekend. |
Australia needs national plan for rising seas-report
Australia needs to adopt a national policy to combat rising sea levels, which may see people forced to abandon coastal homes and banned from building beachside homes, said a parliamentary climate change committee. |
Addressing Climate Change Through Sustainable Development
Executive director of the Research Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD) at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Jiahua Pan is also an economics professor at the CASS graduate school. He was a senior program officer and adviser on the environment and development at the United Nations Development Program’s Beijing office. He was a senior economist for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III, and a lead author for the 3rd and 4th assessment reports on mitigation. He has authored numerous papers and articles on the economic and social dimensions of sustainable development and climate change policy. |
Developing countries "left to fend for themselves" on climate change
BANGKOK, 30 September 2009 (IRIN) - Wealthy nations are dragging their feet on committing money to help developing countries adapt to climate change, leaving them to face the prospect of footing their own multi-billion dollar bills for their efforts, say delegates and activists at key climate change talks. |
Droughts, melts signal climate change quickening: U.N.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Droughts from Australia to the U.S. Southwest, acidic ocean water and melting glaciers are signs that the pace of climate change is surpassing the worst-case scenarios scientists predicted in 2007, a U.N. report said on Thursday. |
Summit on Climate Change, New York, 22 September 2009
On 22 September, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon convened a high-level Summit on Climate Change, ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. The summit brought together political leaders, including 100 Heads of State and Government. This was the biggest ever gathering of political leaders to discuss climate change. |
North American Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change and Clean Energy
We, the leaders of North America reaffirm the urgency and necessity of taking aggressive action on climate change. We stress that the experience developed during the last 15 years in the North American region on environmental cooperation, sustainable development, and clean energy research, development, and deployment constitutes a valuable platform for climate change action, and we resolve to make use of the opportunities offered by existing bilateral and trilateral institutions. |
Christian leaders urge international action on climate change
http://www.christiantoday.com/article/christian.leaders.urge.international.action.on.climate.change/23915.htmThe leaders, who drafted a statement last month while attending the Micah Network Global Consultation on Climate Change in Limuru, Kenya, are urging world leaders to take decisive action to secure an ambitious and fair climate deal this year in Copenhagen,.where they will seek to agree on a post-2012 climate agreement that will replace the current Kyoto protocol. |
EPA Issues Waiver to California on Greenhouse Gases
http://www.climatechangeattorney.com/2009/06/epa_issues_waiver_to_californi.htmlToday the EPA reversed its prior determination on the request by California for a waiver permitting more stringent emission standards for model 2009 and later year motor vehicles. In reversing the prior determination and issuing the waiver the EPA Administrator, Lisa P. Jackson found tha the waiver was appropriate under the Clean Air Act criteria "I am withdrawing EPA’s March 6, 2008 Denial and have determined that the most appropriate action in response to California’s greenhouse gas waiver request is to grant that request. I have determined that the waiver opponents have not met their burden of proof in order for me to deny the waiver under any of the three criteria in section 209(b)(1)." |
Major negotiations for new UN climate change pact kick off in Germany
http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=30328&Cr=climate&Cr1=&Kw1=negotiations&Kw2=climate&Kw3=Germany29 March 2009 – The first round of United Nations-backed negotiations designed to culminate in an ambitious new international climate change treaty in Copenhagen in December got underway today. |