<![CDATA[Atenuarea Republicii Moldova la Schimbările Climatice]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/ 07.03.2025 en http://atenuare.clima.md/ Copyright (c) 2025 http://atenuare.clima.md/Small island states secure climate talks funding <![CDATA[Small island states secure climate talks funding | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3133 26.03.2013 22:43 Key Cameron advisor blocks climate change from G8 agenda <![CDATA[Key Cameron advisor blocks climate change from G8 agenda | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3132 26.03.2013 22:37 Oceans offer best clue to understanding climate change <![CDATA[Oceans offer best clue to understanding climate change | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3131 25.03.2013 14:00 Nine steps to unlock climate finance flows <![CDATA[Nine steps to unlock climate finance flows | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3130 25.03.2013 13:53 Insurer Readiness on Long-Term Effects of Climate Change Called Into Question: Report <![CDATA[Insurer Readiness on Long-Term Effects of Climate Change Called Into Question: Report | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3129 25.03.2013 13:29 First climate change glossary translated into I Taukei language <![CDATA[First climate change glossary translated into I Taukei language | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3128 21.03.2013 21:27 South Africa calls on world leaders to engage in UN climate talks <![CDATA[South Africa calls on world leaders to engage in UN climate talks | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3127 21.03.2013 21:20 World Bank puts climate change at the top of its agenda <![CDATA[World Bank puts climate change at the top of its agenda | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3126 21.03.2013 21:14 Kerry ramps up US climate diplomacy efforts <![CDATA[Kerry ramps up US climate diplomacy efforts | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3125 19.03.2013 20:18 IIED rolls out new system to track climate change in developing countries <![CDATA[IIED rolls out new system to track climate change in developing countries | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3123 19.03.2013 20:11 Lagos govt takes climate change to communities <![CDATA[Lagos govt takes climate change to communities | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3122 19.03.2013 20:08 Japan energy breakthrough could cause climate breakdown <![CDATA[Japan energy breakthrough could cause climate breakdown | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3121 18.03.2013 13:41 Climate debate cut from England & Wales curriculum for children up to 14 <![CDATA[Climate debate cut from England & Wales curriculum for children up to 14 | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3120 18.03.2013 13:31 Climate heavyweights fire fresh salvos in global CO2 debate <![CDATA[Climate heavyweights fire fresh salvos in global CO2 debate | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3119 14.03.2013 20:14 Green Climate Fund must clear the path for climate finance <![CDATA[Green Climate Fund must clear the path for climate finance | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3118 13.03.2013 20:14 Al Attiyah chairs climate meet in Bonn <![CDATA[Al Attiyah chairs climate meet in Bonn | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3117 13.03.2013 20:01 NGOs cry foul over access to UN climate fund talks <![CDATA[NGOs cry foul over access to UN climate fund talks | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3116 12.03.2013 21:25 Climate change in the dock: Rethinking the role of international law <![CDATA[Climate change in the dock: Rethinking the role of international law | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3115 12.03.2013 21:16 China’s climate change laws <![CDATA[China’s climate change laws | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3114 11.03.2013 08:01 Climate change “greening” the Arctic <![CDATA[Climate change “greening” the Arctic | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3113 11.03.2013 07:59 Buses carry climate change message <![CDATA[Buses carry climate change message | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3112 10.03.2013 07:54 Figueres: time for women to shine in climate challenge <![CDATA[Figueres: time for women to shine in climate challenge | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3108 08.03.2013 16:23 Large rise in CO2 emissions sounds climate change alarm <![CDATA[Large rise in CO2 emissions sounds climate change alarm | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3111 08.03.2013 07:50 EU likely to tackle carbon market overhaul this year: Hedegaard <![CDATA[EU likely to tackle carbon market overhaul this year: Hedegaard | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3109 07.03.2013 16:37 Death of Hugo Chávez gives Venezuela a choice on climate change <![CDATA[Death of Hugo Chávez gives Venezuela a choice on climate change | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3107 07.03.2013 16:02 Broken EU carbon market has limited climate impact – report <![CDATA[Broken EU carbon market has limited climate impact – report | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3106 06.03.2013 15:35 Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez on climate change <![CDATA[Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez on climate change | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3105 06.03.2013 15:20 EPA, Energy Department can tackle climate change on several fronts <![CDATA[EPA, Energy Department can tackle climate change on several fronts | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3104 05.03.2013 15:10 Developing countries meet on climate change <![CDATA[Developing countries meet on climate change | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3103 05.03.2013 14:57 Can Climate Week 2013 save the UK’s decarbonisation target? <![CDATA[Can Climate Week 2013 save the UK’s decarbonisation target? | News]]> http://atenuare.clima.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=76&id=3097 04.03.2013 15:21