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UN paints bleak picture of sustainability
31.01.2012     print
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ELEANOR HALL: But we begin today with a warning to governments around the globe - not about debt but about the world's resources.

The United Nations has issued a grim report warning that time is running out to ensure that there is enough food, water and fuel to meet the needs of the globe's growing population.
The authors say the price of failure is 3 billion people condemned to poverty, and they're calling on governments to tackle sustainable development with a greater sense of urgency and political will.
Michael Edwards has more.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: The United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-Moon launched the report in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, a country which knows the consequences of poverty and famine.
BAN KI-MOON: Ecosystems are under stress. Economies are faltering. The human appetite for resources keeps growing. We need to chart a new, more sustainable course for the future - one that strengthens equality and economic growth while protecting our planet. Sustainable development offers our best chance to change course.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: The report, prepared by a panel co-chaired by the leaders of Finland and South Africa, is a sobering read.
The world's population is set to grow from 7 billion to 9 billion by 2040, and it says food production isn't keeping pace. The world will need to increase its output by 50 per cent to have enough to feed everyone.
MICK KEOGH: These predictions have been made and continue to be made.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: That's Mick Keogh, the executive director of the Australian Farm Institute, and while he's alarmed, he's not surprised.
MICK KEOGH: Two factors involved of course. One is the growth in population - and the world population growth is continuing. The second is the growth in wealth in major developing countries - so China, India, and Indonesia for example are 40 per cent of the global population and they've got an enormous number of people going through to become middle class consumers; and their food consumption increases and the type of food they eat increases. So they eat a lot more protein and that of course means a lot more grain, a lot more feeds have to be produced to produce that protein.
So those- it has a multiplier effect if you like on food demands. So certainly the UN projections aren't surprising. In fact they're probably reinforcing what has been said in the past.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: And the concern about food is also there for water and energy supplies.
Jeff Angel is the director of the Total Environment Centre.
JEFF ANGEL: The trends on water are down. The trends on energy, key supplies are peaking and they're going to become more expensive. So the people who need the food, who need the water are going to be in dire straits.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: But the report does paint a possible way forward. It says governments can alleviate the situation if they pursue sustainable development.
It lists 56 recommendations governments should follow to achieve it. These include integrating social and environmental costs in how the world prices and measures economic activities.
It also calls for a set of development indicators which go beyond the traditional approach of gross domestic product and incorporate sustainability targets.
Jeff Angel says these goals are achievable but only if the political will is there.
JEFF ANGEL: There are a couple of I guess key sustainability precepts which should inform and implement government policies.
The first is much improved efficiency of production, and the second is that we have to look at those developing countries and help them produce more of their own food.
You know, if they're going to have to import this food they're not going to solve the problem. Countries like Australia can certainly lend skills but we don't really have that much land to make that much of a difference to the burgeoning population and the burgeoning problems.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: Is there the political will around at the moment to do something about a situation like this?
JEFF ANGEL: We've got global financial problems which take the really long term attention that we should give to these issues away. We don't have very good distribution systems for the skills and we have, you know, a world trade system says to these developing countries, 'Look we'll extract your resources, give you some money so you can buy our food and manufactured products'.
I mean, you know the whole thing is really distorted if you want these people to be largely self-sufficient in food.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: That political will is set to be tested when the report is presented at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in Brazil this June.

