'Nobody is exempt from climate responsibility'
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Could Christiana Figueres have the world's toughest job: getting all nations to agree how to tackle climate change? We talk to the UN's climate chief


You are in charge of the United Nations climate negotiations - a notoriously tricky process. What would be considered a successful outcome?
The governments need to put in place regulations and incentives to reach the point of emission reduction at which we can stabilise the temperature below 2 °C [of warming above pre-industrial temperatures].

To keep below this 2 °C target, the science says we have to peak our greenhouse gas emissions before 2020. But we won't have an agreement until 2015, or global binding targets until 2020. Doesn't that make keeping below the 2 °C target impossible?
That very much depends on what effort is made now by governments. They must move forward with their negotiations for legal agreement by 2015. But they mustn't wait until 2015 to start their mitigation efforts, but rather accelerate mitigation efforts right now. They must also adopt the policies that give the right signals and incentives for the private sector to come on board.

It sounds like it won't be a global agreement that keeps us below 2 °C of warming - it will be nations taking action on their own.
I wouldn't say that the legal agreement is the only tool that can be used. It has to be much broader than that, and certainly much quicker. So the challenge now is: how do you accelerate mitigation without waiting for policy perfection?

Some people have suggested a Plan B: national pledges on emissions. Some countries, like Mexico, have already signed up. Can these small-scale actions halt climate change, or is a global deal still necessary?
This is not an "either/or" conversation, this is an "and" conversation. All of the efforts are necessary. But it is clear that all of those individual efforts, wherever they may be, cannot substitute the multilateral, global process. It is the multilateral process that can do the global accounting to help us figure out if we are on track or not.

What other challenges are ahead?
Governments have already agreed that the new framework will be applicable to all. What they now need to figure out is, how is it going to be applicable to all? It's very clear that it cannot be applicable to all in the same way. There has to be differentiation given the different levels of development and different levels of vulnerability of countries around the world. That is exactly what they need to figure out between now and 2015.

In other words, how much responsibility should developed and developing countries take for emissions cuts? How do you propose to resolve this long-running row?
There is a growing realisation that, independent of your historical responsibility, nobody is exempt from responsibility into the future. It is by everybody addressing their own responsibilities, of course with differentiated capabilities, that we are going to be able to successfully address the



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